Meet alice

Alice is an aerospace engineer who moved to Dover shortly after graduating from the University of New Hampshire with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. She previously volunteered with 603 Equality and the ACLU as a civil rights activist in New Hampshire.

Alice became interested in more directly getting involved in politics this past summer when she found her rights as a trans person were under attack by republicans in the statehouse. “I knew about some of the terrible bills passing in Florida and Texas, but I didn’t imagine the same things would start happening here in New Hampshire.” From there she was connected to advocacy groups like 603 Equality and has been testifying against bills in the statehouse, organizing events, and writing op-eds covering the issues for the general public to better understand what’s going on.

“I know that institution change has to happen with both outside advocates and people working within the system to get things done. I’m running for office to take direct action protecting the rights of all granite staters and work across the aisle to deliver results for the people of Dover.”

Alice lives in Dover with her fiance, Ian, a graduate student at the University of New Hampshire. Alice is the vice chair of the Dover Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion and Founder of the Sally Ride Fellowship.